domenica 8 settembre 2013

Sunday Garden

Some gardens strike me for their luxuriance
others for their linearity

I find this garden, played only in shades of green, irresistible because of its sophisticated simplicity
where's the details that enchant almost without realizing that

Certi giardini mi colpiscono per la loro rigogliosità
altri per la loro linearità

Trovo questo giardino, giocato solo sui toni del verde, irresistibile proprio per la sua ricercata semplicitàdove sono i dettagli a incantarci senza quasi che ce ne accorgiamo

Happy Sunday dear friends!
Buona domenica cari amici!

For more garden ideas you can visit my Pinterest HERE
Per altri giardini di ispirazione potete visitare il mio Pinterest QUI

7 commenti:

  1. It looks wonderful, the old jar is my favorite...I would like to have it in my garden ;-)!

    Happy Sunday, dear Silvia! Big hugs, Ingrid

  2. Quella tavola imbandita che si intravede sotto l'arco,lascia presagire un giardino da sogno :)
    Ciao Lieta

  3. Lovely sunday !!..what a wonderful Ria...x !

  4. Che giardino romantico si nasconde dietro quel l'arco!

  5. A beautiful Sunday spent here with you pictured in this soulful garden.

    Thank you for a beautiful thought running through my head with a sweet visit.

    Happy week ahead, inspiration your way.


  6. I do love your Sunday garden. A place to dream the day away.

  7. Hi. I was stopping by in hopes of getting some help on a Martha Stewart Contest....I've been nominated and I was trying to get Votes...if you have time I would love to see you come by my blog, vote and also enter in a giveaway for your support!! Your able to vote 6 times in a row daily until Sept. 13th!! I would appreciate it so very much!! Thanks so much!
